Saturday, May 03, 2008

The Nap

The boys had a lock-in at church last night. Naturally, they got very little sleep. This afternoon I told them they had to take a break from tv and computer games. I was nice enough to give them a 15-minute warning so they could wrap things up, but Jeremy was not happy to hear this. I left the room and come back in five minutes to find him fast asleep. Now this is a bit of a minor miracle. Jeremy does not under any circumstances whatsoever nap. Ever. He has been like that most of his life.

After about an hour, he rolled off the couch. He stumbled into the kitchen. He came right back in the living room and sat beside me on the other couch. He was very upset and told me he didn’t want to make any tea. Confused, I asked him if he wanted to drink tea. He replied that he didn’t want to make ME any tea. Now I was really confused and wanted to know why he thought I wanted tea. It seems he had a dream that I had told him to go make me some tea. Apparently he was sleep walking. Too funny.

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