Saturday, June 14, 2008

A couple more weeks...

Just a couple weeks until we move. Did I mention I hate moving? Well, actually, what I hate is the process of moving -- packing, getting the truck, people to help, and unpacking. I love living in different places. In fact, when I live somewhere more than three years, I get itchy feet and am ready to move on. It is fun living in different places. Each place has it's unique qualities. Lynden will be interesting since it is a Dutch town and is so close to Canada.

I've only been to Canada once. We took a road trip just so I could say I've been there. It could be interesting taking the boys over the boarder. I'll have to take their birth certificates and proof of citizenship papers. Mike still has his passport. I think I'll get the special Washington State drivers licence that allows us to cross the boarder without a passport.

But that is a few weeks away. Now I have to pack. These five years in Fircrest have the longest I lived on one house since I graduated from high school. It will be harder to leave here than some other places I've lived. We've been here long enough to make good friends. But life marches on. :^)


Christy said...

What a great attitude to have! Moving itself DOES stink. A lot. I don't think I enjoy living in different places nearly as much as you do. I'm much more of a "homebody" and like to stay put once I'm here. That must explain being in my job for almost 19 years. Change and Christy don't do well. HA!

Teresa said...

Man. I get sick of working somewhere after a couple of years. I can't imagine 19.

Mavis said...

I'm with you Teresa. I like moving to new places. I hate the physical part of moving but love new places. I would move from here in a heart beat but your dad is not for it.