Thursday, June 05, 2008

Weird News, Good News, Bad News, Good News

The District Superintendent met with the Staff Parish Relations Committee last night to introduce the incoming pastor. Apparently the pastor is a Korean man with a very heavy accent. He is presently serving just a couple miles from here at a church with about 25 people. They have yet to appoint someone to his church. I don't know why they don't make it a two point charge. Most conference will not appoint a pastor to a church within driving distance to their old church so that the parishioners won't follow them. It is an interesting appointment, to say the least.

The good news is that according to the DS, Mike is getting a raise at the new church. Whew!! I'm sure it won't be much, but it surely beats a drop in pay! Hopefully it will be enough to cover our insurance.

The bad news is that the conference is giving us a whopping $1,000 to move. My friend, Charlee, got estimates for a local move and it was $2,000-3,000. Mike isn't supposed to do any lifting, so this makes things interesting. We will have to do the U-Haul for sure. Last night I thought of a couple people we could probably hire to help us. With any luck they have a couple of friends who can help, too.

The final good news is that Mike's latest blood tests shows his cholesterol and triglyceride numbers are all back in the normal range. Yea!!! So if his high blood pressure doesn't get to him, he may survive the stress.

1 comment:

Mavis said...

Call Lucas, he's got a big van and he's big and strong and loves to help people. If you bought his gas, he'd probably love to help you. I'll send you an email with his phone number.