Saturday, July 12, 2008

Moving thoughts

Well, we finally got moved. I really hate moving. I hate packing. And then it never all fits in the truck, so we have to do two trips. Good grief. It's time to purge!!! I'm not sure that I like unpacking any more than packing. You have to find places for all the JUNK you moved. Sigh. That's what I get for living in a family where half the members are pack rats.

On the upside, the new parsonage is very nice. I have a crafting area, Mike has his drums set up, and the kitchen actually holds all my stuff with room to spare. The biggest plus is that the windows open!!!! Woo hoo!

Four more days until I have internet, tv and phone service. Thank-goodness for libraries, DVDs and cell phones. (Why do spell checks always want to capitalize "internet"?)

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