Friday, August 15, 2008

The Thrill of Victory, The Agony of Defeat

So, I'm up WAY too late. I'm trying to get a cover letter, resume, and application together. I've done the dumb online application about three or four times because it keeps crashing my computer. After I've spent hours on it. Do you have any idea how many schools I've been to? Too many. But that's another story.

While hunting down all the required information, I've been watching some of the Olympics. Although it is awe inspiring to watch all these young athletes, the thing that strikes me most is the awarding of the medals. During the competitions we see "The Thrill of Victory, The Agony of Defeat". For example, when Michael Phelps won a relay, he was all about the "Thrill of Victory" as his testosterone levels alone could win a gold medal! (I think all the other men competing against him have thrown in the towel and are thrilled to get the silver.) The "Agony of Defeat" is evident in the faces of many of the Chinese or old Iron Curtain countries' athletes who don't win. I feel for them. Winning is so important to their countries, they seem to take it much worse than our athletes.

I think the thing that makes the most impact on me isn't the displays of "The Thrill of Victory, The Agony of Defeat". It is the look on the medalists faces as they stand to hear their national anthem played. The look on their faces says it all.

So now I'm experiencing the thrill of victory because I have finally beat the online application at it's own game. Woo hoo! Or maybe I'm just feeling fried since it's 1:33 a.m.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I agree. It's awesome to watch, and SOMEONE has to win, and SOMEONE has to lose.