Monday, May 05, 2008

The Sound of Silence

I am here in my house. Alone. No one else is here. It is quiet. No Josh to make irritating noises to see how long it takes me to yell at him -- I mean nicely ask him to quit making obnoxious sounds. No Jeremy to talk incessantly. No Mike wondering why we don't have a certain food item in the house that he hasn't wanted for months, yet wants now.

Oh, rats. I should have known it was too good to last. Caleb just saw someone walking down the other side of the street on the far end of the block. Scruffy feels the need to join in on the barking. Looks like they are scaring the the dangerous trespassers away, though. They are now walking away from the house. Mission accomplished.

1 comment:

Mavis said...

It's nice to have some "alone" time occasionally.