Friday, July 18, 2008

Back Online

Well, we finally got the phone, internet and tv hooked up this week. Yea!!!! All that was left was to hook up the router for wireless access. It should have been quite simple to set up. But naturally it wasn't. After hours trying to get it to work on my own and hours on the phone with Sam, we finally got a pro in. Naturally being the cheapskate that I am, I didn't want to pay someone to do a "simple" job. After all, I reasoned, if Christy could do it, so could I. (No sibling rivalry here! hee hee) Mike's computer wouldn't work at church, so he called a repair guy. It was a quick, simple fix, so Mike brought him over to the house. He had the computers all on a secure network in less than five minutes. Sigh.

I can only console myself with the knowledge it is all Comcast's fault. They set up their modems so they will only connect to the first thing they are hooked up to -- the computer. So when I hooked it to the router, it wouldn't work. The repair guy reset the modem and we were up and running. One has to wonder why the Comcast guy didn't bother to tell me that when he saw the router on the computer. Do you think it has to do with the fact that they will set it up for you for a rather substantial fee? ;^)

1 comment:

Christy said...

HEY HEY HEY!!! If CHRISTY CAN DO IT, SO CAN I???? Are you implying that I can't do anything remotely complicated? Just because it took me HOURS to figure it out doesn't mean I'm technologically challenged, you know. HAHAHA!