Wednesday, March 30, 2005

What Kind of Dog Are You???

On Good Morning America this morning they did a segment on a test you could take to see which dog breed you most closely resemble. I decided to check out the website. Click on the title above, then on Game to see what kind of dog you are! Posted by Hello

I came out to be like a Basenji.

  • Some of it's traits:
    The Basenji is a small, short-haired hunting dog from Africa, also known as the African Barkless Dog, and is one of the oldest "natural" breeds known to man. Ancient Egyptian carvings of Basenjis have been found on the pyramids. (I'm old and don't talk much.)
  • The Basenji is highly intelligent but independent. It can be stubborn and difficult to train, becoming bored quickly with repetitive-type training methods. (Hmmm. I seem to remember my mother and mother-in-law discussing how stubborn I am.)
  • Forcing a Basenji, or hitting it to make it do something it doesn't want to do, will likely cause it to growl or even snap at you. However, treats, praise, rewards, or sweet talk will almost always get a Basenji to cooperate. (Sounds good to me!)
  • The Basenji loves its human family but can be "stand-offish" with strangers. (Who, me??)
  • The Basenji is a natural hunting dog, and when it sees a bird or even a scrap of paper flying down the street, it will try to run off in pursuit. It is a strong and fast dog, and its intelligence, determination and highly developed hunting instincts can sometimes cause it problems. Once it sets its sight or senses on something, it is not easily discouraged or distracted. (Ok. So I'm either scattered or have tunnel vision!!)
  • The Basenji has not been long out of the jungles of Africa, and is not as domesticated as other breeds. Treat it with respect as you would a "wild" animal, but let it know where it stands in the "pecking order" of your household. (Which, of course, should be at the top!!)

Friday, March 18, 2005

Jeremy's Birthday Party

Posted by HelloJeremy had three friends over for his birthday party. As you can see they were all very calm and well mannered children! ;^) Actually, once we got past the pizza, cake and presents, things calmed down and a good time was had by all!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Joshua vs. The Rock

Posted by Hello Yesterday at school Joshua was hit in the eye with a rock. A girl threw a rock at his back, but, unfortunately, he turned around and it hit him in the eye. The school called us and we took him to a doc in a box as his doctor’s office feels the need to close down between 12:00 and 2:00 every day. (How stupid can you get!) Luckily, it was just a scratched cornea. The school nurse thought it was much worse than it was.

I took him back to the doctor today, and it was completely healed. The doctor was surprised it healed so fast.

The girl who threw the rock has been suspended for school for the remainder of the week. The principal assured us (and informed the girl’s family) that if we wanted, we could hold her family responsible for any medical costs we incur. That is all well and fine, but what ever happened to a good old-fashioned sincere apology?