Sunday, March 30, 2008

Harry Potter Puppet Pals

You must check this out! (Joshua says to be sure to tell you he is the one who showed it to me.)

Then check out this version:

Friday, March 28, 2008

Snow: Day 3

Here we are at the end of March. The first day of spring has come and gone. The cherry trees are in bloom. Spring flowers are in bloom. Trees are budding. Snow if falling for the third day. So far we've only gotten trace amounts, but you never know -- it's starting to stick.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Blarney Stone

The Blarney Stone is a block of bluestone built into the battlements of Blarney Castle, Blarney near Cork, Ireland. According to legend, kissing the stone endows the kisser with the gift of gab (great eloquence or skill at flattery). The stone was set into a tower of the castle in 1446. The castle is a popular tourist site in Ireland, attracting visitors from all over the world to kiss the Stone and tour the castle and its charming gardens. (You can see the stone in the picture between the green on the vertical bars.)

When we lived in England, we took a trip with Mike’s parents to Ireland and were able to go see the Blarney Stone. It was not at all glamourous and was extremely difficult to get to. You have to lay down on your back and lean over the edge of the castle ruins to kiss it. Jerry actually kissed it, which was no easy feat.

The locals do have a secret surrounding the stone. Since all the tourists kiss it, they urinate on it. :^)

Friday, March 07, 2008

You Will Never Be Sorry

...for thinking before acting
...for hearing before judging
...for forgiving your enemies
...for being candid and frank
...for helping a fallen brother
...for being honest in business
...for thinking before speaking
...for being loyal to your church
...for standing by your principles
...for closing your ears to gossip
...for bridling a slanderous tongue
...for harboring pure thoughts
...for sympathizing with the afflicted
...for being courteous and kind to all.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

It's Just Wrong!

I paid over $35 to fill my gas tank today. It was only 9 gallons for goodness sake. I'm so glad I don't have the minivan anymore. I guess I should find comfort in the fact that the moose don't have to walk under any more pipelines in Alaska.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Josh's Tae Kwon Do Testing

Here is Josh (in the middle) showing his kicks before the black belts.

Orange Belt for Josh!

Joshua got his orange belt in Tae Kwon Do today. Since he changed belt colors, he got to break a board by kicking it.