Saturday, April 15, 2006

A Taxing Week

Well, it is that time of year again. Taxes. Sigh. On Monday I decided I’d better get with it and get them done. The boys were in school and I wasn’t working, so it should have been a simple. But naturally it wasn’t. After working on it for eight hours and visiting the online help section of my tax program, I had to throw in the towel. The next day I found a tax preparation place that claimed to know how to do clergy taxes. Although doubtful, I made an appointment for Wednesday.

Mike was suffering from the delusion that I would go to the appointment on my own. Silly man. My taxes are easy. His are hard. He could just go suffer along with me. It wasn’t MY fault it was Holy Week! Ok, maybe it was at least in part because I left them for so long. It took both tax workers and me to figure it out, but we finally did it. Whew!

I’m all for a flat tax. If 10% is good enough for God, it should be good enough for Congress!

The New Babies Have Flown the Coop!

Here is one of the two new babies. This is the first batch since the seven that hatched in December. Both came out today and were traumatized by the camera. (Josh is peeking in on the other side of the cage.) Posted by Picasa