Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I looked at the local paper today. A mother driving here two young daughters slid on an icy bridge and spun into the path of a pickup pulling a load. The truck hit the passenger door of the mother's van. One of her little girls was killed. The other girl and mother were not hurt at all. It makes you wonder why. Why was the girl taken while everyone else walked away?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inauguration

I'm being a good citizen and watching the inauguration. There are a lot of people are there.

It strikes me how supportive conservatives are of Obama. They are full of well wishes and truly seem to want him to succeed overall as president. As Glenn Beck aptly put it, we all need to support him when we can, but oppose him when we must. The Bushes wish him well, as do countless others. I have yet to hear one person voice a negative thought. How different than during the last two inaugurations. I think a lot of it has to do with the grace Bush and McCain have shown after Obama won. Neither Gore or Kerry lost their elections with grace or dignity, nor would their followers and fellow democrats support the Bush administration. Let’s hope the “O” keys are left on the keyboards. :^)

And just to be really catty, I hate Michele Obama’s dress and I think her embellished diamante necklace is gaudy.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


So, here we are approaching the end of January. Do you know what that means? No, not Joshua's 15th birthday. It means tax time is fast approaching. It means that we should all have those lovely W-2s in our hands by January 31.

If you know me at all, you know how much I HATE doing taxes. So as I was surfing the Internet today in search of that ever elusive tax program that is made specifically for the oddities of ministerial taxes, I ran across a little jewel. On the church's national website there is a document stating how churches should fill out the W-2s. If they would actually share this document with the churches, it would be extremely easy for me to do our taxes. I would not have to shell out big bucks to pay someone else to do our taxes.

The lady who prepares the taxes here gave me a copy of the document sent to her (and presumably all her counterparts in the conference). Not only does it omit the way to make it easy for me to do the taxes, it also discourages them from doing it the way the IRS recommends which is an alternative easy way. AAARRRGGG