The boys had a friend spend the night last night. Because his parents both work, he will be here until suppertime. The friend is a very nice boy. However last night, after spending a few minutes on the computer in the dining room while they were in the living room, I decided it was in my best interests to go down stairs – as far away from the noise as I could get. It wasn’t much better this morning. I’m trying my best to be on a different floor than they are. I also decided that it was in my best interests to be nowhere near them while they were eating. If you could call it eating. I think inhaling is a better word for how they consume food. In order to pry them off the GameCube, I told them they could have a cupcake or two. They decided to have a contest to see which of them could shove them in their mouths the first. Let your imagination run wild. It was even worse.