Since Jeremy was still up so I decided that I’d work on some Christmas cards. I went to a friend’s house to do some rubber-stamping the other day. One of them had the most gorgeous Christmas stamp that said “Joy”. I stamped and colored several of them in there and brought them home to mount onto cards. So I did one, then another, and another. Before I knew it, it was 1:30 a.m.!!!
I went to bed and next thing I knew I was having one of those weird dreams. In my dream, I heard the beeping sound a truck makes when it backs up. Now this sound had nothing whatsoever to do with my dream. Finally, it dawned on me that it wasn’t part of my dream. It was Mike’s alarm clock going off at 5:30 a.m.!! Mike, of course, was up at the church working on his sermon. I finally figured out how to shut it off and went back to sleep.
The next thing I knew was Jeremy coming in my room at 7:00 yelling at me that it was time to wake up. I was not amused and told him to go away. He then came back at 8:30 and woke me up again. He had fallen back asleep on the couch and had 15 minutes to dress, eat breakfast and leave for Sunday School.
I decided to take a shower after he left. I opened the shower curtain and saw about 10 spiders. Although I was still not awake I did recognize that they were plastic and managed not to panic. (Such sweet boys!)
On Friday Joshua had gone to an overnight youth group function to see the Seattle Sonics play and then to an overnight indoor amusement place. He slept yesterday morning and this morning rolled out of bed at 9:15 – very late for him.
I made him clean all the spiders out of the tub so I could shower. After telling him to get ready for church a dozen times, I finally had to point out that he had 15 minutes to get dressed, eat breakfast and walk to church. He finally left three minutes before the service started. (I have no voice, a sore throat and a headache, so no church for me today.)
After Joshua left, I decided I’d really better go take a shower. So I went in the bathroom. This time there was pee all over the toilet. Is it really too much to ask to be able to go to the bathroom and not have to wipe off the seat?????
I figure the day can only go uphill from here on out.
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