So, Mike is now trying to watch what he eats. It is a bit rough going at the moment. He talks about cheese a lot. That seems to be his most difficult sacrifice. We need to get an appointment with the dietitian so we can find out exactly what he should and shouldn’t eat. He is trying though. He actually tasted oatmeal today. It was probably the first time he did since graduating from oatmeal baby cereal. I bought the good stuff from the store yesterday. Not the nasty, vile instant oatmeal in packages or even Quaker’s Old Fashioned Oats. I went to the health food section and bought Scottish Oats. Those are delicious. I made them with cinnamon and a touch of brown sugar. Mike came into the room and I held out a spoon to him. He ignored it. I persisted. So did he. I said, “Taste it.” He said “Not now.” I said, “Yes, now.” He took the spoon. He looked at it. He put it in his mouth. He got a nasty look on his face before the porridge even hit his tongue. He then said, “It’s mushy.” Then a mildly surprised look crossed his face. “It’s not bad,” he pounced. “I taste cinnamon and brown sugar.” An extremely shocked looked crossed my face. I had no clue he had ever tasted brown sugar, much less cinnamon. Althought it wasn't "just right", there may be hope.
OMG! You have a hard row to hoe, don't you! :)
Hang in there. I'm impressed, Scottish oats?! Are they better than American oats?
They are the same as steel cut oats. Once you try them, you'll never go back to Quaker. You should give them a try.
Scottish Oats! YUMMMMMM!
I should make some for supper.
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