Tuesday, July 29, 2008

On the Rebound

Before we moved, we (o.k. I) thought seriously about having Caleb put down. He would often fall down and not be able to get up and he slept a lot -- even for a dog. The vet told me to give him fish oil pills. They seemed to help a bit, but not much. The poor guy got pretty bad this spring, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Sniff, sniff. Someone at church told me to try glucosamine tablets. I decided to give it a try. The bottle said it would take a few weeks to kick in.

I almost gave up hope and thought about finding a vet up here to have him put down. Then I noticed some improvement. He started walking further and easier on our walks and wasn't sleeping so much. He seems to be improveing daily. Now he will even put Scruffy in his place again. (Scruffy had been making a bid for alpha dog.) The only downside is he barks like mad again when someone comes to the door. Now if I can only get him to use the doggie door....

1 comment:

Christy said...

That's amazing! I'm so happy for Caleb! I think I'll get some for Joe...

ps - I'm jealous that you have a doggie door...