Friday, September 05, 2008

Name the Dog

Well, we went to the pound a got a new puppy.

So far, I want to name her Skeeter (Sam's suggestion), Mike wants Hermione, Jeremy wants Luna, and Josh wants Skid Mark. Needless to say, Josh isn't getting his way!

Now I'm sure you realize that Skeeter is the best name. :^) Rita Skeeter was the snoopy and highly energized reporter in the Harry Potter Books. Beagles are highly inquisitive and Jack Russells are hyper. Perfect name!!

You can vote for your favorite on the poll to the right.


Christy said...

OK, I voted for Skid Mark. Let me modify that just a bit and say I'd like to stop at "Skid". I like "Skid".

Mavis said...

Man, I don't see beagle in this dog. Her markings are Welsh corgi and they also have short legs. No floppy ears though. Maybe she'll do something that will earn her a name.

Teresa said...

Oh, she is so beagle. She really follows her nose and her tail curls like a beagle. Besides, I HATE corgies, so she can't be. Those and Duchounds are the two dogs I will never own. This pup has long legs. She is about the same size as Scruff, but with longer legs.