Monday, November 03, 2008


So this is how the last 24 hours on the pet front have gone:

--Skeeter pooped in Josh's room. Nothing new about her going in the house on occasion. She just picked Josh's room last night. He had a come-apart and wanted me to shampoo the rug despite it being very solid waste and easily taken care of. hee hee

--One of the gerbils died. It was very hard on Jeremy since he had been attacked by the other gerbil when I was in Iowa. Apparently there was a lot of blood and drama. It also brought back feelings of Caleb for Jeremy. He and Mike buried the little guy this afternoon. He has been laid to rest in the front yard so Skeeter doesn't dig him up in the back and create more drama.

--When I walked the dogs this morning, we were greeted by two huge rotties on the loose. They were really well behaved and stayed when I told them to. My dogs, on the other hand, were going ballistic. Skeeter really, really wanted to play and Scruffy really, really wanted them to go away from his territory. A neighbor called the police and the escapees were hauled off. Apparently they killed her rabbit last night and was worried about my dogs. Oh -- and Skeeter escaped from the back yard and ran over to "help" when the police were trying to catch the dogs.

--I got a call from the vet about an accidental double payment I'd done on Caleb's bill. It was the first time I could talk to them because I always cry when I think of the vet's office. (I always made Mike deal with them.) I held it together until I was off the phone. It's really dumb to miss a dog this much for this long.

I guess the pros out wiegh the cons, though. What would life be with out pets?

1 comment:

Mavis said...

This saga brings back memories. We had the burial at sea for Lucas' two fish "Bert & Ernie". We have the Pooder's ashes sitting here in my office. And....I just had all the carpets cleaned since when Bo the Golder retriever was staying with us he got sick and threw up all over the house. Yep, we still LOVE our pets and wouldn't be without them.