Friday, March 20, 2009

Why Lie?

So you have to wonder, why do so many people tell lies when the truth works just as well? When we lived in London, we had a teenage girl under our supervision that lied like a dog. Even when the truth would work better for her, she would lie. Fortunately for us, I soon figured out an ironclad means of knowing if she was telling the truth or uttering a lie. It was so simple. She would twirl her hair with her fingers each time she lied. It drove her nuts that I could tell when she was lying but wouldn't tell her how I knew! LOL

I expect a teenager to tell lies. What really troubles me is when people in authority tell lies. I just don't get it. Why not let your "Yes" mean yes and your "No" mean no? I find lying especially horrendous when done within the church. It obviously is not a Godly thing to do. One day we will all stand before God. God will say one of two things: "Well done, good and faithful servant. Well done." Or, "Why did you persecute me?"

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