It's been a year since Scruffy had a haircut. It finally got to the point where I couldn't brush out his legs and tail, so he had to go in. The local place starts at $55 and charges more if they wiggle. Whatever. So I took him into Bellingham. It took an hour to get there because of a wreck and road construction. When I went to take him out of the car, I found a huge pile of vomit right by the door of his crate. The car ride was just too much. Naturally, I forgot to take off his leash which was buried in the vomit. Naturally, he didn't want to walk in the vomit to come out of the crate. Sigh.
So while I got to clean up the vomit, Scruffy was treated to a bath and a hair cut. I then went shopping to take up the rest of the time while waiting for Scruffy. I think I was in the third store before I noticed the vomit on my coat. It showed up quite nicely on my black jacket. Sigh.
Eventually I decided to go to Petsmart to see how Scruffy was doing. The little rat was up on the table standing as nicely as you please. And he let her brush and groom his legs like he thought it was fun! If I touch his legs he goes all submissive. If I tough his tail, he gets snippy. I need one of those grooming tables.
So here are the befores and afters.
I like short-hair scruffy. Looking at the "before" picture I'm not even sure I could see a dog in there.
Oh man. That's a bummer about the coat. Well, bummer for Scruffy, too, but I feel more sorry for you. He'd forgotten it before he even got into PetSmart. HA!
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